

The name SEVAMAYL is an abbreviation of “Sleep Everyman As Much As You Like”. Because of an inability to adapt to this schedule cold turkey, […]

Unadvisable Schedules

A word of warning Warning! These bad sleep schedules are not recommended; thus, do not think of them as any type of suggestions. The only […]

Advanced Scheduling Options

Introduction This is a continuation of Scheduling Introduction in case none of the standard sleep schedules suit your needs. Some concepts in this article are […]


Tesla is an extreme schedule designed by Sharif Olorin in 2009 that combines parts of Uberman and Dymaxion. It consists of four equidistant 20 minute […]


SPAMAYL is an abbreviation for “Sleep Polyphasically As Much As You Like”. This schedule will likely be below the minimum sleep threshold of most people, […]


The Dymaxion sleep schedule is one of the most well-known polyphasic sleep schedules. It is made up of four equidistant 30m naps taken every 6 […]


Uberman is the most widely known form of polyphasic sleep. Its main appeal is the large amount of extra wake time it provides. For this […]